What Causes Slip and Fall Accidents?
Contrary to popular opinion, not all slip and fall accidents happen during the winter. Many slip and fall accidents happen indoors due to unsafe property conditions. Get the facts on what causes slip and fall accidents so you know how to protect your rights. COMMON CAUSES OF SLIP AND FALL ACCIDENTS “Slip and fall” is generally […]
The Dangers of Security Negligence
New York property owners have a legal responsibility to maintain safe premises for tenants, guests, and anyone hired to work on the property. This includes the installation or implementation of proper security measures on the premises. When this does not happen and someone gets injured on the property due to lax security measures, the property […]
Collapsed Ceiling? Here’s What You Can Do
A ceiling collapse can be a traumatic experience and may leave victims with catastrophic injuries and significant property damage. Learn how to take legal action if your home or apartment’s ceiling caved in unexpectedly. DETERMINING LIABILITY IN A CEILING COLLAPSE Various parties may be responsible for a ceiling collapse, including the following: Determining which party caused your ceiling […]
Can You Sue for a Pedestrian Accident with Uber or Lyft?
Pedestrian accidents have continued to increase across the United States with each year, as more drivers and pedestrians become distracted by smartphones. When you add the sudden emergence of ridesharing vehicles like Uber and Lyft to the mix, things have the potential to become even more dangerous. If you’ve been hit by an Uber or Lyft driver […]