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The Long-Term Impact of a Knee Injury Caused by a Slip and Fall Accident

Knee Injury Caused by a Slip and Fall Accident

A home or business owner who fails to properly maintain the safety of their property can cause visitors to be severely injured, sometimes with long-term consequences. Even something as seemingly minor as not cleaning up spilled water, and not posting a “Wet Floor” sign, can lead to a serious slip and fall accident.

Knee injuries are one type of harm that can result from a slip and fall accident. Knee injuries can be extremely debilitating in the short term, and cause limitations to the victim for years after the initial issues are addressed.

The Short-Term Effects of a Knee Injury

In a slip and fall accident, a person may suffer from trauma to the knee area that results in a fracture, ligament tear, dislocation, or other injury. Because the knee is a joint, damage to this body part may require surgery and extended therapy to restore functionality.

Lifelong Complications

Although a person may have completed the treatment required to address a knee injury, the functionality of their knee may never fully recover. Trauma to a knee can cause incurable issues that permanently limit mobility or contribute to pain.

A knee injury caused by a slip and fall accident may lead to prolonged issues such as:

  • Chronic pain
  • Problems with balance
  • Arthritis
  • Issues with walking
  • A limited ability to bend, run, climb stairs, etc.

Knee injuries caused by a slip and fall accident can be very costly to treat. A knee injury that causes long-term issues may require months or years of continuous medication and physical therapy to address, and can limit a victim’s ability to work and fully enjoy life for decades. At Silbowitz, Garafola, Silbowitz, Schatz & Frederick, LLP, our attorneys are committed to helping you recover from the financial impact and pain and suffering that another person’s negligence caused.

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