The Dangers of Security Negligence

The Dangers of Security Negligence

New York property owners have a legal responsibility to maintain safe premises for tenants, guests, and anyone hired to work on the property. This includes the installation or implementation of proper security measures on the premises. When this does not happen and someone gets injured on the property due to lax security measures, the property owner may be held liable.


Property owners are required to install or implement adequate security measures on their premises to keep legal tenants and visitors safe. Examples of adequate security measures include, but are not limited to:

  • Proper lighting
  • Locks
  • Security gates
  • Security personnel
  • Video surveillance

When proper security measures are not implemented or maintained, tenants, visitors, and those hired to work on the property may be harmed as a result. Negligent security can lead to sexual assault, mugging, attacks, or other violent events that may leave victims with catastrophic injuries.

If you were harmed on someone else’s property as a result of lax safety measures, you may be able to recover compensation through a premises liability claim. In order to do this, you will need to prove you were on the property legally when you were attacked.
Our New York City premises liability attorneys are well-versed in this area of law and we’re prepared to fight for your rights.

Don’t let a property owner get away with their negligence. Contact our firm today to learn how we can help you recover maximum possible compensation.

Call (800) 498-2782 to find out more about our New York City personal injury lawyers.

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